Thursday, February 26, 2009

Audrey in My Bathroom

A while ago I had one of those dreams that just won't go away with the opening of your eyes. While truly a wonderful dream, it was, of course, full of weird, nonsensical parts that I will try to skip when possible. 

So, living in our current 1 bedroom , 1 bathroom apartment, Whitney and I were asked to accommodate an extra guest that had brought her children to play with the family next door (sorry, Bob and Michelle--the people upstairs): Audrey Hepburn. Audrey. HEPBURN. Sleeping arrangements weren't really discussed but the big issue was the bathroom mirror. One morning of her visit she and I were crowded in between the washer/dryer and shower sharing the cracked mirror on the bathroom window when I just couldn't take it anymore--Audrey Hepburn simply deserved better for her morning beauty routine. We had our landlord come over to help scour the garage for lights and a mirror and set it all up as a nice vanity in our living room in between our fireplace and TV. Much better. 

You should be happy to know that she was a delightful, undemanding guest and gave me makeup tips which I don't remember at all. It will be my lifelong sorry.

So, here's to you, Audrey. Come again soon.

1 comment:

whitney said...

Oh, come on. You didn't even tell the part about the football game.