So here is a link to Whit's blog post about his favorite things from 2010 (not to be confused with Oprah's). And I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with a Nacho Libre or a Groundhog's Day reference here so I'm going to try to mash them together. Here goes: "Are ju kidding me?! Everything ju just said is me...whew, I am really close here!" Basically Whitney's list was both pretty awesome in and of itself and could double almost completely (with some GLARING exceptions--ANTM, I'm looking at you...) for my list of favorite things from 2010. Though, once again, just to be sure we're not confusing things: this is NOT Oprah's list, guys. It's NOT. As in 'isn't'. You're not getting any and or all of these items...If you look under your seat right now, they won't all be jammed under it. We cool? ...We cool.
Some day I may follow-up with my edits...maybe it'll even be before 2011's over. I realize this is the Western Family version of this post! So sue me. Sometimes the Western Family brand tastes better!